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Mastering Web Design

Master the art of web designing and mocking. prototyping and creating web design architecture
950 165
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Data Structure And Algorithms

Master The Art Of Data Structure And Famous Algorithms Like Sorting, Dividing And Conquering
1150 210
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Responsive Web Design

Mastering Responsive web design and media queries and know everything about breakpoints
650 95
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Mastering Python

mastering python to prepare for data science, ai and automating things in your life
750 265
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PHP Examples

PHP tutorials and examples and practice on web application and connecting with databases
850 150
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Data Structure And Algorithms

Master The Art Of Data Structure And Famous Algorithms Like Sorting, Dividing And Conquering
550 135
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Responsive Web Design

Mastering Responsive web design and media queries and know everything about breakpoints
250 90
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Mastering Web Design

Master the art of web designing and mocking. prototyping and creating web design architecture
950 165
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PHP Examples

PHP tutorials and examples and practice on web application and connecting with databases
850 150
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Mastering Python

Master the art of web designing and mocking. prototyping and creating web design architecture
950 250